

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

James City County Virginia Sheriffs Department Announcement


Note from Sheriff Robert J. Deeds

Second Amendment Gun Rights

I, and the deputy sheriffs of the Williamsburg-James City County Sheriff’s Office have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The oath of office we took includes upholding the Second Amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights and Section 13 of the Virginia Bill of Rights, each guaranteeing our citizens the right to bear arms.

While I am Sheriff, neither I, nor any deputy sheriff in this office will take any action to aid or abet encroachment on this fundamental right of our citizens.

Here is the link to his Facebook Page

Sunday, March 3, 2013

I joined the NRA so long ago, I can not remember when. One year, also many years back, I also decided to become a Life member.....then as I got older I realized more about there modern habit of negotitating with the enemy. I don't participate with the NRA much today, I prefer to work with the Virginia Citizens Defense League, a much more active and successful state organization with a very clear message of belief in 2A and all the related issues.
However, as a life member of the NRA, I still get the mail (and lots of it!) and the opportunity to vote for the directors. So, I have my NRA Directors ballot here in my hot little hand. So the question is shall I vote for Pete Brownell or not?  The NRA bio talks of his "unwavering" support for the Second Amendment.

Really.....he needs to prove it. Not by making money off both sides of the battle. But making a business choice for freedom.

The answer of my vote lies with Mr Brownell. Will he sign Brownells on to the boycott of federal and state agencies and all LEO and .mil or .gov personnel who do or will violate 2A?

The vote is due April 14....so the choice is now. Whether you belong to the NRA or not, join me, call and write, tell them they can join or you will take your business elsewhere. And your vote if your NRA.

For those following the New York Boycott....here is the link

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Drones you say......

Some crib notes from folks with extensive experince on the recieving end of drones had their notes published.The article is found in the Telegraph (link) which links to a copy of the notes found in Mali by the AP. As the article notes that:

 "some of the tips are outdated or far-fetched, taken together, they suggest the Islamists in Mali are responding to the threat of drones with sound, common-sense advice that may help them to melt into the desert in between attacks, leaving barely a trace."

""These are not dumb techniques. It shows that they are acting pretty astutely," said Col Cedric Leighton, a 26-year-veteran of the United States Air Force, who helped set up the Predator drone program, which later tracked Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan."

Since the regime is learning from the war in the sandbox, it makes interesting reading for those of us who live here under the domestic drones. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

(Verbatium (well I did fix some typo's!))

P2AB is a grass roots movement designed to allow each and every gun owner to know exactly which businesses support the 2nd amendment unconditionally. A business supports the 2nd amendment unconditionally or we do not support it with our purchases.

P2AB started when reports that Mayor R.T. Bybak of Minneapolis, Minnesota and 60 other mayors decided that they were going to stop purchttp://www.p2ab.org/haces from their suppliers that were supporting the 2nd amendment and contributing money in support of those groups opposing gun control. The idea of 

P2AB is based on something Ronnie Barrett of Barrett Firearms Manufacturing wrote several years ago regarding California's decision to make .50 caliber rifles illegal for Californians to own.

The idea of P2AB is very simple. Any firearm manufacturer, ammunition manufacturer, magazine manufacturer, accessory manufacturer, dealer or retailer that conducts business with Minneapolis, the other 60 cities in "Rybak's Gang" or New York City's Mayor Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns is choosing them as a customer over the gun community.

We are the gun culture. We are the gun community. We will ONLY buy the products of those companies that support the 2nd amendment as strongly as we do! If any firearms related business sells their products or services to those who support further infringing on our 2nd amendment rights then they will get no more of our business. You support the 2nd amendment and do not support those who want to infringe on our 2nd amendment rights or we will boycott you. It is your business, you may run it as you please and sell to whomever you please. As consumers it is our choice to purchase from whomever we please. Who purchases more from you? Is it those who want to infringe our 2nd amendment rights or is it hard working Americans?

If you are a retailer who sells products from those manufacturers on our boycott list we will not do business with you.

For too long we have been given in and allowed "reasonable" restrictions to infringe on our 2nd amendment rights. For too long we have taken no long-term day-to-day action to protect our 2nd amendment rights. That changes now. We will be single minded in all that we do, whether it is our purchases or our voting - you either support the 2nd amendment unconditionally or we do not support you. We will not buy from you. We will not vote for you.

As of February 4, 2013 P2AB is a new grass roots movement. We will start off with "Rybak's Gang" and Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns as well as retailers. In the future we will expand that list as the grassroots movement decides.

                                                                  Back to the front...
I have been offline for a bit, seems with the snow, the farm, and my regular job, posting has lagged behind. But we're still here...

Catching up, it seems the Virginia Citizens Defense League did great work in fighting off a number of anti-gun bills in Virginia, early in the session this season. However, the Governor has since reported out of his taskforce a couple of bills now in the Senate that need to be defeated. SB 1377 and SB 1378 must go down in flames.

Recently the Gun Owners of America issued the strategy we must adopt...."Defeat Every Word of Gun Control"  (Link Here)

Take the GoA advice........if your in Virginia, contact the Governor and your Senators...now.

This is the email alert I received from the National Association for Gun Rights today:

Governor Bob McDonnell has sent forward two anti-gun measures that are currently making their way through the Virginia Senate.

Even though the Governor's special taskforce on school safety had some good legislation to work with, they've decided to move in the OPPOSITE direction -- away from safety and away from freedom.

Instead, Governor McDonnell is pushing these anti-gun measures:

SB 1377 turns you into a criminal for defending yourself at a college or university. Under this bill, any law-abiding adult who defends herself on campus would almost certainly face a class 3 felony charge, EVEN in a clear-cut self-defense case.

SB 1378 increases the potential criminal penalties for buying and transferring guns; meaning that law-abiding Virginians could be slapped under a microscope, locked up for 10 years and fined up to $100,000, for virtually any non-government sanctioned firearms sale.

If we are going to halt these awful bills from becoming laws, pro-gun citizens like you and me must rally and make sure the Governor knows where the people of the Commonwealth stand.

Call Governor McDonnell's office at (804) 786-2211 as soon as you can and tell him to stop proposing bills that trash the 2nd Amendment AND make law-abiding people less safe.

Unfortunately, the Senate is moving quickly to force these anti-gun bills through before you can respond. You must take action immediately!

SB 1377 and SB 1378 are both headed to the full Senate for a floor vote in the next few days.

After you contact the Governor, please take the time to contact your Virginia State Senator and voice your opposition to both SB 1377 and SB 1378.
Here are links It has been some

Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson and relatives of victims of fatal shootings in Chicago urged President Barack Obama on Saturday to come back to his hometown and address the gun violence plaguing the city".(link)

So Jackson wants the federal DHS to come save Chicago......I can hear Darth Vader in my head..."The failure and envelopment of the city of Chicago is complete". 

The citizens, or better said subjects, have been trained over several generations to accept living in crime, graft, and a police state. They repeatedly have voted for governments based on legalized criminal behavior. So today, being fully dependent on the largess of the government has so degraded the society that there is no society, only the worn out shell left from the late 19th and early 20 centuries. The streets are inhabited by uniformed and un-uniformed gangs who protect to system for the well off at the expense of the less off. Those in the middle, the so called middle class is taxed and squeezed to pay for the system, sacrificed as necessary. Adding the neo-nazi police state DHS as enforcers and occupiers is only the next and final step in its conversion to the new "Warsaw".......welcome to "socialist utopia"....

My question to the middle class is "what the" ? Why are you still there? If you love freedom, move, otherwise you are no better than the masters and slaves around you. I suggest you move now, before moving requires papers.....
A word of advice.....only move out if you understand personal freedom, self reliance and self value.If your just another socialist trying to get your cut of the graft, stay there. The rest of the county does not need your ignorance......

(the photos by the way is Berlin, 1933...German police keeping Berliners safe....) 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Up in the city of brotherly love (wow, in 2013, that can have a very different meaning than when coined many years ago!)   the Assault Bow is born......((link here)

"Meanwhile, 25-year-old Timothy Canfield, who was not involved in the initial altercation, went outside carrying a compound bow and a quiver of arrows. Canfield then shot Paulsen in the stomach with an arrow."

Paulson died by the way.

So here is the deal....anyone can purchase an assault bow...no permit, no license, no background check, not even an age limit. They are marketed to children by placing them right out in the open in stores like Gander Mountain and Walmar or even over the internet!.....Ammunition is even widely avaiable and it comes in quivers.....not just one, but quivers of them!

Solution...well every Indian fighter will tell you...ban them bows, and if they refuse to give up, hunt those people down, rip them out of their homes, take their land, lie to them, and force them to surrender.....or kill them. Whichever comes first....that is the American way of justice....Federal style.

The Statement of Montgomery County, Virginia Sheriff

In response to being asked if they would support the Second Amendment....
this was the statement on their Facebook page on Jan 30th (2013):

"We have had several folks contact us to ask our position regarding the 2nd amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Here is a copy of the resolution passed by Virginia Sheriffs in 2009, our position has not changed." 

So then what did the VSA have to say way back in 2009? Well this is what was posted by the Montgomery County Sheriff on reporting what VSA said:

So how about that, the Montgomery County Virginia Sheriff and in fact the Va Sheriff Association is "concerned".We know they are "concerned" because they have expressed a "sense of concern"......

 Frankly,  I have not seen such a strongly worded statement of support since Neville Chamberlain returned to Britain in 1938....Clearly, that oath to defend and protect the constitution is not a big stumbling block.

Well, let me say thank you very much. No doubt if it comes to DHS dropping by to get some back up, that concern will be a very robust defense and they will just run right back to the holes they crawled out of...(Hopefully that concern won't endanger any of those grants and federal equipment perks currently a big concern for the democrats in Richmond tonight........)

Well at least now we know your position.....thanks for that...

If you live in that county, I suggest you write and phone the Sheriff. let them know you appreciate their deep commitment to their oaths.....or not. In fact if you live in Va, I recommend you ask your Sheriff about their stand.....

UPDATE: Rather than respond to questions, it seems the Montgomery Sheriffs Department has taken that entry down from their webpage.....now that speaks volumes.

Friday, January 18, 2013

And Now a word from Johnson County MO.(link)

Signing the Declaration of Independence
 (to add to a number of others including Linn County (link)and Crook County (link), Oregon)

January 16, 2013

The Honorable Barak Obama
President United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington D.C. 20500
          Dear Mr. President,

My name is Charles M. Heiss and I am the Sheriff of Johnson County, Missouri.  I have held this office since January 1, 1997.  I am writing to you to express my concern with the tone of your administration with respect to the Second Amendment Rights of American citizens.  It appears to me and many Americans that there is a genuine desire on the part of your administration to restrict the Second Amendment rights of law abiding American citizens in the interest of curbing gun violence in our nation.

Throughout our nations history the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights has served as the very foundation of our free society.  The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution has long guaranteed our citizens the right to keep and bear arms and is central to our ability to live in a free society.  Any attempt to restrict these Second Amendment rights through executive order is unconstitutional and tantamount to an all out assault on the United States Constitution.  Just as the Fourth Amendment to the constitution guarantees our citizens the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable search and seizure, the Second Amendment guarantees each of us the right to keep and bear arms to protect ourselves from anyone who would seek to cause us harm.  This includes the federal Government.
World history has shown us that when a society does not possess the ability to defend itself it becomes ripe for victimization by criminals, and ripe for government oppression.  One need not look too far in today’s world to see glaring examples of defenseless people being brutalized by rogue regimes and dictators. Syria, North Korea, and Mali are just a few examples of this type of oppression. Mexico is a stark reminder of a society overrun with criminal element in the form of Drug Cartels.

As the duly elected Sheriff of Johnson County, Missouri, it is my sworn duty to protect and defend the Constitutions of the United States of America, and the State of Missouri against all enemies both foreign and domestic. This means I not only have the duty to protect my constituents from incidents of crime, but I also have a duty and responsibility to protect and preserve the individual rights and liberties afforded and guaranteed to every citizen by our constitutions.  This, Mr. President is a duty I fully understand, appreciate, and will carry out with great vigor and conviction.  I will most certainly urge my fellow Sheriffs in the State of Missouri and across this great nation to rise to the defense and aid of all Americans should the federal government attempt to enact any legislation, or executive order that impedes, erodes, or otherwise diminishes their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.  I will use all means legal to meet this solemn and sacred responsibility.


Charles M. Heiss
Sheriff Johnson County, Missouri
This press release was provided by the Johnson County Sheriff’s Department.
A Richmond-area lawmaker brandished an AK-47 on the floor of the Virginia House of Delegates on Thursday in a wild stunt aimed at rallying support for tougher gun laws.

Epic fail, epic idiot....

(Taken from the Examiner, published in DC ((link)...)

As a native Virginiaian, I am sorry we have these people in this state...but I guess we all have a share of mental defectives.....

Provided verbatum, with my added comments in italics)
    Del. Joe Morrissey, D-Highland Springs (Highland Springs is located near Richmond, was
    established by a carpetbagger after the war and is the final resting place of a lot of dead yanks), 
    pulled the weapon out shortly after the day's session got underway, a time when legislators 
    typically welcome school groups and other visitors in the chamber's gallery.

    Morrissey assured his colleagues the gun was not loaded and pointed it toward the ceiling as he 
    pleaded for Republican House Speaker Bill Howell to help push through a subcommittee the
    assault weapons ban that Morrissey is proposing.

    "A lot of people don't know that in many locations in the commonwealth, you can take this gun, 
    you can walk in the middle of Main Street loaded and not be in violation of the law," Morrissey 
    said. "Even though the law right now says you can't bring this gun into a high school or elementary
    or middle school, there is nothing from keeping you from walking in front of [an elementary 
    school with a gun]."

    A House subcommittee late Thursday effectively killed Morrissey's bill, which mirrored President  
    Obama's call for a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammo magazines following the mass 
    killing of 20 children and six adults at a Connecticut elementary school. The same panel also
    rejected universal background checks for gun buyers and sent a proposal to arm school staff to 
   Gov. Bob McDonnell's school safety task force.

   The AK-47 that Morrissey brought on the floor was borrowed from someone else, his office told
   The Washington Examiner. He told Capitol Police about his plan in advance. Members of the 
   General Assembly, law enforcement personnel or anyone with a concealed weapon permit is 
   allowed to bring a gun into the Capitol.

   Republicans in the chamber were not amused by Morrissey's stunt.

   Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Woodstock, interrupted Morrissey's speech to ask him to take his finger out of
   the trigger guard and later said that taking guns from citizens is what led to the Holocaust and mass
    killings under the Soviet Gulag.

   "Those who put the Second Amendment into the fabric of our nation understood that a government 
   that is formed and instituted by free people trust its citizens with the right to defend themselves 
   with arms," Gilbert said.

So now that you have read about Mr Morrissey's little tirade the was the result of his bill going down in flames (haha), you may ask to know a little more about him. Well this is off his web page:

    Delegate Joseph D. Morrissey was sworn into the Virginia House of Delegates in Januray, 2008. He represents
    the 74th District of Virginia which includes Charles City County, Henrico County, the City of Hopewell, the City 
    of Richmond, and Prince George County.  He serves on both the Education Committee as well as the Health 
    Welfare & Institutions Committee.  

    Delegate Morrissey is a 1979 graduate of University of Virginia, where he majored in economics and 
    minored in chemistry. He received his law degree in 1982 from Georgetown University and a Masters-
    in-Laws degree in 2003 from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, where he was a visiting lecturer.  Delegate 
    Morrissey taught law school for five years in both Ireland and Australia.  He is a former high school 
    government teacher and wrestling coach.  Delegate Morrissey is a former Commonwealth’s Attorney of 
    Richmond (1989-1993).

    He currently lives in Highland Springs and is a member of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Richmond, 
    Virginia.  His community activities includes the Varina Lions Club, the Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club, and 
    the Special Olympics of Virginia.  During his spare time, Delegate Morrissey enjoys various outdoor activities 
    including: boating, water skiing, running, horseback riding, and cycling.

It seems that according to Henrico County GIS, ole Joe lives out near the James River at 1308 Chaffins Bluff..nice place Joe..maybe you can find a nice place on the Hudson up in NY and be much more at home up there.


 The Virginia Citizens Defense League gives a great report from Thursday's committee meetings in the Virginia legislature on a host of firearm related bills (verbatim, italics mine).

Tonight at 5 PM we flooded the Militia, Police and Public Safety subcommittee #1!  The anti-gun bills being heard tonight didn't just barely die, they were crushed.  Of course there are plenty more bad bills out there, but this was a great start.  

The room was PACKED beyond capacity, with people hanging out both doors into the halls!  I  didn't bring nearly enough GSL (Guns Saves Lives) stickers :-(

The bad bills were killed with a **unanimous bi-partisan** vote.

Killed were bills to require background checks on private sales, to ban guns in libraries, to reduce the number of courses that qualify for getting a CHP, an assault weapon ban, and a ban on guns in vehicles on school property.

One setback was on Delegate Bob Marshall's school bill, HB 1557, which would allow certain people to carry concealed handguns to protect schools.  It was referred to a commission set up by the Governor to vet such bills and the bill could still become law this year.  

Soon I will have you emailing the Governor to encourage him to do just that.  It's going to be a stretch, but we need to do our best to get the law fixed this year so as to avoid a massacre in a Virginia school.

I will say the support for Delegate Marshall's bill was impressive and even better than I had hoped.  Few spoke against the bill.

Oh, there were a few antis there, including one who claimed her group has more members than there are gun owners (she called her group something like "Million Angry Moms" or something like that).  For such a supposedly huge group, she was by herself.  Hmmm.  Surely she didn't exaggerate the size of her group?

Anyway, good job, VCDL!  The battle is ON.

This organization does more than any other in impacting Virginia Firearms Legislation. Their website is http://www.vcdl.org/.Virginians who cherish our liberties need to get behind this organization. They have a historical track record that is outstanding in its success and its faithfulness to the principles of freedom.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Walmart joins Dicks Sporting Goods

I have long since stopped going to Walmart or I refer to it, "China Mart" (with the exception of my horses 4$ cancer med!). But as of today, they have cemented their position on the IFF Foes list along side Dicks Sporting Goods with this, (Link)

“As of right now WalMart is not going to be making any new orders of ammo because of the upcoming decision on the Second Amendment.  As of right now we are unsure of what new legislation might be coming, and because of this, we are suspending new orders."

Update your range and area information accordingly. (Not a big surprise on this one)

UPDATE 1/15/13 taken from Bob Owen Blogsite
Rumors being floated over the past 24-48 hours that the company is going to sell out their existing stock of ammunition then not purchase any more ammunition are, according to the official corporate voice of the company, completely false. She said that their is no truth to the rumors, and that she’d be issuing a statement to that effect this evening.

So, I can feel less guilty about buying my horses cancer meds, but Walmart still represents China Mart, so we shall not re-add them to the family shopping options.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Resources for Identification Friend or Foe

(This artwork may be protected by copyright. It is posted on the site in accordance with fair use principles.)

Now here is fun weekend task...SSI gives us tools to look up some interesting things about people, lets call it "find a friend".... you can look up all sorts of folks....butcher, bankers, bakers, candlestick makers....or anyone else that peaked your fancy,.....just sayin.....

By the way, how is that IFF work going we talked about earlier? (link)

So what can happen when angry people figure out where you live?

This is an interesting article about folks in Greece who are angry with their news journalists for being part of the government apologists and are supporting austerity and more taxes.Angry people are placing bombs at private homes.......and the key phrase:

"In an Internet statement, the anarchist group which goes by the name 'Lovers of Lawlessness' said of the journalists: "While they use a pro-workers rhetoric, they wink mischievously at their political bosses.""

Now where in the world outside Greece do we see the media doing the bidding of political masters? And which political masters are working hard at starting a civil war....

There may be more than one right answer, but there is only one right answer that matters to your AO.


Friday, January 4, 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2013 at 1:00 pm
217 West King Street, Martinsburg, WV, 25401

Members of the West Virginia Citizens Defense league are going to remind Joe Manchin, and send a message to politicians in DC that we are not going to forget their words, actions, and votes.

This will be a multi-state event and open to the public. They expect members and attendees from WV, VA, MD, and DC. Open carry is discouraged. Please avoid federal property if armed.

For more information call Keith Morgan at 304-421-3404

Or go to the Facebook page linked here
Virginia's most influential firearms organization (that is according to the anti-gun lobby in Virginia) is holding its annual Lobby Day on:

 Monday, January 21, from 9 8:30 AM to 12 Noon at the General Assembly Building at 9th and Broad streets in Richmond.

If you have never attended, you can plan on being asked to join a team of citizens under an experienced team leader. Each team will personally as a group visit each legislator and deliver our message face to face. If you have never talked with your representative, this is the time. There is time to simply show your face as part of the team or to actually share your opinion in the legislative office.

It is a state holiday, so you can park on the street without having to feed the meter.  There are also parking garages all around the area.  There are buses from some parts of Virginia being formed. For those in the Roanoke area - the Tea Party has a bus coming and there is still room!  They welcome VCDL members and they need a few more people so they can cover the cost of the bus.  A great chance to share ideas with like-minded citizens.  Tickets can be bought here:


There will also be a lot of other people lobbying for there causes, including the anti-gun folks. Numbers count. When we fill the state house halls and offices, each of showing our Guns Save Lives stickers, we make an impact. In the past we have outnumbered the antis by significant numbers. This is the year to blow them out of the park by attendance. We need you whether you are a part of the VCDL or not, everyone who respects our freedoms and liberty are welcome to join us.

Lest you not realize the threat that we are under, understand that just as we get started here in Virginia in the New Year,  Del. Joseph D. Morrissey (D-Henrico), says he will introduce legislation to ban the sale of assault-style weapons and large-capacity magazines and Sen. Janet D. Howell (D-Fairfax), says she will introduce legislation to close the so-called gun-show loophole which will violate our individual property rights and serve no purpose except to hassle those who are not criminals to begin with. (Really, how stupid to think that criminals would be impacted by background checks, they know to avoid legal channels. It must take a special kind of stupid to be trust that system! Hey, the background check worked in Newtown, so the kid simply killed his Mom and stole hers, foiling the system.) Of course, all this is on top of possible federal legislation being considered.

Be there!  Get the day off now if you don’t already have it! Dress at least business casual.  Look respectable, you'll be respected.


Update: The state house allows you to carry if you have a CWP. There will be a door assigned for those who wish to carry. have your CWP handy for the State police to see as you enter. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Emperor chair from Star Wars.
So, the dead elephant party just re-elected their leader and the nod goes to none other than Boehner. My heavens, the dead elephants just need to wear dresses and take up crying as a profession. They clearly have all lost all the balls they may have ever had as a child, or maybe they were just born cowards.........In any case I had lost any faith in those clowns a long long time ago, and they just keep proving me right time after time. However, the sith is happy to have his very own pet republican dead elephant right back where he wanted him, at his beck and call to do all his evil bidding and just selling blinded americans at every turn................. there is no difference in either party, they all have the same aim, to destroy freedom .........remember your IFF,..........the test grows ever closer.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Warsaw Poland, May 1943....Black and White

The myth of the Gray man protection from being listed....

When it comes to the incoming badness, I have seen more than one comment from someone who plans to just stay low, under the radar, be the gray man and just blend in. Gray man is a term for someone who just does not stand out in a crowd, can just get lost in plain sight. In many ways, it is a mythical way to stay off the government list of people to monitor, especially in this day and age of commercial and government electronic surveillance and record keeping.

A short story from a conversation this summer. I very good friend of mine and I were discussing the potential for the coming conflict and what to do. It turns out his parents are from the former communist country. His father fought on the vanquished side in WWII. After the war, he tried to simply restart his life and rebuild his family. However, he was not communist and said the wrong things to the wrong people. He was arrested in a political arrest and held in a prison camp. The lesson my freind learned was to stay low, say little or nothing, and not draw any attention, the gray man defense plan.

When bad folks have taken over a country, they have always had lists. Lists built on public information. It will happen here as well. It already has. But I have never done anything to get on a list you say.

Lets ay you are in DC and need a quick list. Lets try an easy exercise, an easy one, they can get all of the concealed weapon permits for an area, state, or region. Or how about getting a list of all credit card purchases and sort them on certain vendors like J&G or Midway or Cabella's. Then a sort for specific items like firearms and ammunition. Every firearm purchased commercially has a federal firearm transfer document and many have recorded background checks, lists..... Or how about a more complex search, census records, are you a southerner? Southerners are generally more firearm friendly than others. If so there is a high probability you own a firearm. Voting records, yes they keep records, do you get mail from one party or the other? Live in the city or a farm? Farmers normally have several guns. How about a list of all the hunting licenses from last season?  Ok, now since the internet companies are in the government pocket via various terrorism laws, get lists of the internet sites every person has read in the last 365 days. Rack them according to politics.  Gotcha, your on a list. 

And none these sources require the domestic surveillance assets of the thousands of spooks in our state and federal governments like the NSA, DHS, fusion centers, ATF/FBI, ad naseum.Add those folks and the lists can go on for ever.

This will take too much time you say? Hardly, most of those lists already exist. But for the lists that don't exist yet, all that data is on computers somewhere. It is a database file. A novice database technician can put together a program to do all of that data manipulation in minutes. Multiple lists can be generated before the dinner in time for dawn SWAT raids.

Also consider they don't have to be correct lists. in a government raid, there are no points for being right or wrong. Either way, the bad people get to shoot dogs, and beat on people, maybe even get into a testosterone driven fire fight they can use all that new military hardware in. Wrong house, oops, are they sorry, of course not, you should have lived somewhere else.

The reality is that under any statist system, you are on the list, period. By the fact that you exist, just as any machine part, you are on the list of parts in the collective. There is no on versus off the list. Some parts of the list are higher than others, for a time, but all are on the list. To not be on the list means you are a machine of one....an individual.and that just is not allowed.

Bottom line, there is no gray man, you can not hide from the tide. Ask an american indian, a kulakUkrainian peasants , German Jews from Warsaw (never mind, they all died), ask a person who fled East Europe after WWII. Chose, you must be either one side or the other gray or blue (1860), white or red (Russia) etc. Understand, they will assign you a team if you fail to self select....there will be a test.