

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Statement of Montgomery County, Virginia Sheriff

In response to being asked if they would support the Second Amendment....
this was the statement on their Facebook page on Jan 30th (2013):

"We have had several folks contact us to ask our position regarding the 2nd amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Here is a copy of the resolution passed by Virginia Sheriffs in 2009, our position has not changed." 

So then what did the VSA have to say way back in 2009? Well this is what was posted by the Montgomery County Sheriff on reporting what VSA said:

So how about that, the Montgomery County Virginia Sheriff and in fact the Va Sheriff Association is "concerned".We know they are "concerned" because they have expressed a "sense of concern"......

 Frankly,  I have not seen such a strongly worded statement of support since Neville Chamberlain returned to Britain in 1938....Clearly, that oath to defend and protect the constitution is not a big stumbling block.

Well, let me say thank you very much. No doubt if it comes to DHS dropping by to get some back up, that concern will be a very robust defense and they will just run right back to the holes they crawled out of...(Hopefully that concern won't endanger any of those grants and federal equipment perks currently a big concern for the democrats in Richmond tonight........)

Well at least now we know your position.....thanks for that...

If you live in that county, I suggest you write and phone the Sheriff. let them know you appreciate their deep commitment to their oaths.....or not. In fact if you live in Va, I recommend you ask your Sheriff about their stand.....

UPDATE: Rather than respond to questions, it seems the Montgomery Sheriffs Department has taken that entry down from their webpage.....now that speaks volumes.

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