

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Up in the city of brotherly love (wow, in 2013, that can have a very different meaning than when coined many years ago!)   the Assault Bow is born......((link here)

"Meanwhile, 25-year-old Timothy Canfield, who was not involved in the initial altercation, went outside carrying a compound bow and a quiver of arrows. Canfield then shot Paulsen in the stomach with an arrow."

Paulson died by the way.

So here is the deal....anyone can purchase an assault bow...no permit, no license, no background check, not even an age limit. They are marketed to children by placing them right out in the open in stores like Gander Mountain and Walmar or even over the internet!.....Ammunition is even widely avaiable and it comes in quivers.....not just one, but quivers of them!

Solution...well every Indian fighter will tell you...ban them bows, and if they refuse to give up, hunt those people down, rip them out of their homes, take their land, lie to them, and force them to surrender.....or kill them. Whichever comes first....that is the American way of justice....Federal style.

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