Virginia's most influential firearms organization (that is according to the anti-gun lobby in Virginia) is holding its annual Lobby Day on:
Monday, January 21, from9 8:30 AM to 12 Noon at the General Assembly Building at 9th and Broad streets in Richmond.
If you have never attended, you can plan on being asked to join a team of citizens under an experienced team leader. Each team will personally as a group visit each legislator and deliver our message face to face. If you have never talked with your representative, this is the time. There is time to simply show your face as part of the team or to actually share your opinion in the legislative office.
It is a state holiday, so you can park on the street without having to feed the meter. There are also parking garages all around the area. There are buses from some parts of Virginia being formed. For those in the Roanoke area - the Tea Party has a bus coming and there is still room! They welcome VCDL members and they need a few more people so they can cover the cost of the bus. A great chance to share ideas with like-minded citizens. Tickets can be bought here:
There will also be a lot of other people lobbying for there causes, including the anti-gun folks. Numbers count. When we fill the state house halls and offices, each of showing our Guns Save Lives stickers, we make an impact. In the past we have outnumbered the antis by significant numbers. This is the year to blow them out of the park by attendance. We need you whether you are a part of the VCDL or not, everyone who respects our freedoms and liberty are welcome to join us.
Lest you not realize the threat that we are under, understand that just as we get started here in Virginia in the New Year, Del. Joseph D. Morrissey (D-Henrico), says he will introduce legislation to ban the sale of assault-style weapons and large-capacity magazines and Sen. Janet D. Howell (D-Fairfax), says she will introduce legislation to close the so-called gun-show loophole which will violate our individual property rights and serve no purpose except to hassle those who are not criminals to begin with. (Really, how stupid to think that criminals would be impacted by background checks, they know to avoid legal channels. It must take a special kind of stupid to be trust that system! Hey, the background check worked in Newtown, so the kid simply killed his Mom and stole hers, foiling the system.) Of course, all this is on top of possible federal legislation being considered.
Be there! Get the day off now if you don’t already have it! Dress at least business casual. Look respectable, you'll be respected.
Update: The state house allows you to carry if you have a CWP. There will be a door assigned for those who wish to carry. have your CWP handy for the State police to see as you enter.
Monday, January 21, from
If you have never attended, you can plan on being asked to join a team of citizens under an experienced team leader. Each team will personally as a group visit each legislator and deliver our message face to face. If you have never talked with your representative, this is the time. There is time to simply show your face as part of the team or to actually share your opinion in the legislative office.
It is a state holiday, so you can park on the street without having to feed the meter. There are also parking garages all around the area. There are buses from some parts of Virginia being formed. For those in the Roanoke area - the Tea Party has a bus coming and there is still room! They welcome VCDL members and they need a few more people so they can cover the cost of the bus. A great chance to share ideas with like-minded citizens. Tickets can be bought here:
There will also be a lot of other people lobbying for there causes, including the anti-gun folks. Numbers count. When we fill the state house halls and offices, each of showing our Guns Save Lives stickers, we make an impact. In the past we have outnumbered the antis by significant numbers. This is the year to blow them out of the park by attendance. We need you whether you are a part of the VCDL or not, everyone who respects our freedoms and liberty are welcome to join us.
Lest you not realize the threat that we are under, understand that just as we get started here in Virginia in the New Year, Del. Joseph D. Morrissey (D-Henrico), says he will introduce legislation to ban the sale of assault-style weapons and large-capacity magazines and Sen. Janet D. Howell (D-Fairfax), says she will introduce legislation to close the so-called gun-show loophole which will violate our individual property rights and serve no purpose except to hassle those who are not criminals to begin with. (Really, how stupid to think that criminals would be impacted by background checks, they know to avoid legal channels. It must take a special kind of stupid to be trust that system! Hey, the background check worked in Newtown, so the kid simply killed his Mom and stole hers, foiling the system.) Of course, all this is on top of possible federal legislation being considered.
Be there! Get the day off now if you don’t already have it! Dress at least business casual. Look respectable, you'll be respected.
Update: The state house allows you to carry if you have a CWP. There will be a door assigned for those who wish to carry. have your CWP handy for the State police to see as you enter.
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