

Monday, December 17, 2012

What is amazing is that when I went to high school, we had not one, but several of these fine battle tested rifles which had no doubt been used to assault the Axis forces and/or Japanese in WWII in our classroom stores. We had a bunch of .22 as well. And yes...we actually shot the .22's. (We used the Springfields for drill).  I even brought a rifle with bayonet and live ammo to school as props for a speech in a class! No one thought a thing of it.

At any time we could reach them. Oddly, no one died and not one person found time to gun down a class room of students. Oh yeah, ammo was easy to get and we could get bayonets too. So what has changed. Same technology, same opportunity, all kids, good and bad.........

Differences.......our families were closer, kids were not medicated with powerful mind altering chemicals as a rule of thumb, we had TV shows like "Ed Sullivan" and "Gilligan's Island", and church was still a force to be attended. In a word, we were a civil society with a better grip on right and wrong. Don't blame the guns.....blame the loss of civility and who we were as a people.

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