Self Defense, Property Rights and natural law
( I had planned to discuss from the perspective of taxes, but in light of the current news....this made more sense)
Today, lets look at the reality of property, what we own, and how that is impacted by natural law.
First a short historical news round up.....from London England, August 2011. England....from Reuters (article link) we get this piece of news:
"From shopkeepers and middle-class writers to Sikh communities and right-wing soccer "fans," Londoners are ready to take action to protect their homes and businesses from rioting.
After four nights of violence, many are saying enough is enough and they will stop the looters themselves if the authorities cannot."
or how abuout this little piece from the Daily News ( article link ) as a result of Hurricane Sandy going through Queens, New York:
"Queens residents arm themselves in the post-storm blackout from looters; Residents feel isolated and some use guns, baseball bats, booby traps — even a bow and arrow — to defend themselves."
And of course, our poster child above, the Korean shopkeepers who stood on the roof top defending themselves and their property in the Los Angles riots in 1992.
What all these have in common is simple; people protecting themselves, their families, and their property in spite of any government attempt to prevent them. This is natural law in effect. As we know, England has gone down the firearm rabbit hole and will not recover short of a massive civil war. For all practical purposes, Kalifornia has gone the same way......New York not only tells people not to defend themselves at every turn, but Bloomberg even held out National Guard troops becuse they had guns of all things. (But in Bloomberg's defense, he was protecting his turf, he has an army (NYPD) and why would any self respecting warlord allow some other army into his fiefdom).
But the fact of the matter is this. Regardless of what you may or may not believe, we own ourselves. We also own the fruits of our labors. And through our work and labor, we own property. Or at least we want to believe we do. And people want to protect what they own.
Ever see what a renter does to a house. Ever watched as public housing goes to seed due to lack of care by the residents who have no stake in its ownership or upkeep. People don't care about what they don't own.
That is what the Declaration of Independence was about. It was a bold statement that men (and women) were and are free and equal in God's eyes. That we were created as owners of our selves and what we produced. Not that we are equal, after all some are smarter, larger, smaller, faster, etc.; but we all are equal in that we have the same chance at life, liberty, and the pursuit of our own happiness through our ownership of ourselves and our lives.
But it is government that fails to understand that and it is progressives that seek to use government to cover their own weaknesses through power. Power that destroys people and property. It is government that seeks to enslave people to consolidate its own power. It is government that tries to violate natural laws, the laws that God, or if you prefer, the Creator, instilled in us. The world has allowed government to become the faux creator. progressives have sold an idea that is un-natural.
It is this principle of property that must be next in the canon for renewal.
There can be no law that violates the right of a person to own him or herself. To own, sell, or dispose of what he creates. To trade openly for the goods and services. To be able to acquire and protect property as we see fit.
And to get taxation in here, not be required to pay a duty to own or create or forced to create/pay for others who fail to do so. To take from one to give to another is no more than theft, even if done by government and called a tax, fee, or contribution. To own property that has a property tax is no more than an annual lease on something from the government. because if you fail to pay the levy, the government will fine you, arrest you, even kill you if you resist.
The only limit is that what we do, own, or create can not limit or decrease the rights and lives of those around us. We have the right to manufacture a weapon, we do not have the right to kill people with it (outside self defense) for example.I may build my factory and use the resources I can purchase, but I may not destroy the water or air around me that flows to my neighbors.
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