

Friday, December 7, 2012

From Russel Longcore, the author of blog site DumpDC we have the reality of the Republican Party. A party devoid of core principles and currently in a melt down condition. The leadership could not surrender fast enough on the budget. A key note from Mr. Longcore:

"The Republicans are much like the Democrats, except for a set of core beliefs. Both sides value money and power over everything else. But the Dems are committed ideologues. You’ll notice that almost always when the two parties have to compromise on some issue, it is the Republicans who do the compromising. And since Mitt Romney did not win the White House, President Obama has been very successful in setting the terms of all discussions."

We know the democrat core belief is the same as every statist, big powerful government that controls life to the very core (think marxists, communism, fascism or NAZIs ....all statists). Perhaps this will be the end of the spineless deflated dead elephant party spawned in the era of Lincoln and the birth of a new organization based on property rights and true freedom......

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