Blackhawks, kiowas....and Stooges.....
It seems that the government doesn't sell the sand fleas everything. Some military stuff we just leave unguarded and let them drop by to pick them up. (LINK). It seems the mighty Iraq army that we have feed, clothed, trained....well you get the point.... have collapsed and run like dogs from Mosul. Leaving behind all kinds of things and lives.
Do we really care, after all it is really just a civil war in a foreign country that is basically Muslim on Muslim infighting. Well yes, we should care because, now they have a new and better toy than before. We have given them air power after all. And the US are the source of these toys as well as the unrest that results in the war.
We know they can fly, remember 9/11? We taught them how. So we may very well see these helos show up in Syria or anywhere in the sand box. But then we are supplying both sides, war is good business you know....
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