

Monday, June 16, 2014

Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...must be a duck 
or in this case an 'murican army of oppression....

h/t The Journal and Prof Whitehead.  Link here

"A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”—James Madison

“Here [in New Mexico], we are moving more toward a national police force. Homeland Security is involved with a lot of little things around town. Somebody in Washington needs to call a timeout.”—Dan Klein, retired Albuquerque Police Department sergeant

Salient point......"If the United States is a police state, then the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is its national police force, with all the brutality, ineptitude and corruption such a role implies. In fact, although the DHS’ governmental bureaucracy may at times appear to be inept and bungling, it is ruthlessly efficient when it comes to building what the Founders feared most—a standing army on American soil."

Read it all......we fail to remember when this government took it as a mission to kill our own. Southerners and Indians remember all to well the hundreds of thousands who died. In fact, the US government has been a solid performing killing machine for generations....the world over. 

Look at the southern border...bringing in thousands upon thousands of illegal, illiterate, and violent aliens amoung thousands of sick and indigent people who have nothing in common with any of the normal population in any state in the disunion.........this government means to kill, steal, and destroy. That folks is a biblical phrase and it has one specific owner...

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fathers Day.....

I know he has gone home, but I do and will always hear, see, and feel my Dad in my heart and head. And I am glad. I feel his presence as I walk, work, and live on our farm. Even now, when I go to work, I feel his smile and hear his interest and excitement in my work. Each time my career took a step, he was proud of his son, especially when he called me to ask how that last interview went. I think he as was excited as I was to hear I was headed back to Tech where we both got our engineering degrees. In fact, in spite of many things, he was always proud of all of his sons. He did not always understand us, but he was proud. He hurt those years there was so much strife. I chose a photo from 1972, we were younger and times were tough for the two of us. Times were tough in the family in general. That would get tougher for all of us before they got better. As I got older I came to realize just how difficult life can be and rearing three head strong boys can be a challenge for parents. And I know he did the best he knew how to do. Based on the three of his sons, he (and Mom) did not fail. For my part of the relationship, I thank God that I grew up and times got better between Dad and I. Through his examples (good and “less than good”), he set a standard for me as a person, a man, a husband and engineer.  

Today, I honor my Dad all he taught me and how he loved me as his son.

Oct 19, 1930 - March 19, 2011

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Blackhawks, kiowas....and Stooges.....

It seems that the government doesn't sell the sand fleas everything. Some military stuff we just leave unguarded and let them drop by to pick them up. (LINK). It seems the mighty Iraq army that we have feed, clothed, trained....well you get the point.... have collapsed and run like dogs from Mosul. Leaving behind all kinds of things and lives.

Do we really care, after all it is really just a civil war in a foreign country that is basically Muslim on Muslim infighting. Well yes, we should care because, now they have a new and better toy than before. We have given them air power after all. And the US are the source of these toys as well as the unrest that results in the war. 

We know they can fly, remember 9/11? We taught them how. So we may very well see these helos show up in Syria or anywhere in the sand box. But then we are supplying both sides, war is good business you know....

Ding Dong, a demo-rat is gone .....(Link). lets all wish Mr Puckett a well deserved good by...

And it seems that losing a demo-rat has already paid dividends in a state that had been operating pretty well until the election put the demo-rats into power. 

Now, it seems Virginians who live in the 38th District (Bland County (All); Buchanan County (All); Dickenson County (All); Montgomery County (Part); Norton City (All); Pulaski County (All); Radford City (All); Russell County(All); Smyth County (Part); Tazewell County (All); Wise County (Part)) have the chance to make amends for voting for the current democratic carpetbagger and replace former Senator Puckett with a true Virginiaian conservative, assuming they can find one in the district. 

In addition, while all good Virginians can celebrate the end of Senator Pucketts term in office, it seems to have some interesting side show opportunities if the AG has any moral foundation. (Link)

Wait, he is a demo-rat as well.....one who has already enlisted the federales in a war against other Virginians. 

Elections have consequences...