Well, it seems I have been away from my blog for quite a while. And I have. At this point, the only people who may be seeing this site are me the goons with the NSA! So be it.
I have to say that I respect the time and work that bloggers put into the craft and the regular dedication they give to the task. While I have not been writing, I have been reading. Writers such as Brock Townsend, Karl Denninger, WRSA, MaxV, and others are regular reads for me. I appreciate their time and many of their insights.
I found in 2013, that first, the time to write simply overcame me. Then with duties and life around the farm, my "regular in-town" job along with the long held personal avocations, I became so very busy that blogging had to step back...way back.
With that set back, what followed was time to search out why I would even care to write out my thoughts for anyone to read......I had a few readers, but not many. not even relatives! Was I going to change the world, or even my little corner of it?...not likely. Was that the point? What was the purpose and just how much of my soul do I need to bare and share.......especially in light of everything being made a permanent part of the public domain. Don't take me wrong, I have some pretty fixed opinions and I share them pretty well privately with my wife and some close associates......but generally I am a "you leave my opinions alone and I will leave your opinions alone, even if your wrong" type of guy.
But I suppose I got an answer as to "why" recently. I have a Facebook page, for no specific reason, just have one. I connect with family and friends from the past there on occasion, but again, I do not write a lot there either. But what happens is that sometimes I get motivated to respond. And when I do, I end up responding on their site. However, I lose control of the comment and even had one deleted because the person did not like the comment.
Well, ok, it is their page so they can do that. However, I was right (or at least I think so!). So rather than engage, they just cut me off. (Bad thing here was that it was a younger under-educated relative who needed some education from an elder........!). But then, generally I do not like the limitations of FaceBook anyway.
So, maybe this blog site is my better option. it is now the top of 2014, so I am going to give it another go. Start small and see what happens. I will aim for a weekly update, most likely on Sundays since that is the least busy day normally. If is me and the goons, then so be it. In the end, I will get a chance to get it off my chest in a forum I can better control......
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