Upcoming Events...Gen'ls Lee and Jackson Day
In Virginia, this Friday is Lee-Jackson Day. Some Virginians will have the day off, others will take the day off. Regardless, if you do nothing else, take a moment to recognize the achievements and stature of these two Virginia natives. They fought for the absolute bedrock principles of the original intent of the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Constitution. They fought for and believed in the sovereignty of the states from the federal government.....state sovereignty.
As for me, I will be headed for Lexington, Virginia, to join in the Lee-Jackson Symposium and weather permitting parade on Saturday.
In spite of revisionist history, neither of these men fought for or even owned slaves, and in fact for most on both sides, that was not the issue. The issue was who would hold the reigns of power...an all powerful federal government or a lesser federal government contained by sovereign states. Power ......... the actual roots of all conflict.
The passage of history has proved these men right. The total power they saw would one day destroy the very homes they defended. Today the state governments are toadies for the federal government. Feds bark and states jump fearing the loss of funds. Federal regulators operate within staes like an occupying army. Here in Virginia, we have not had a truly native government since 1865. (And in Virginia, with the socialist-statist McAulliff and company in power, the next four years will prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt!)
In 1861, there were enough strong and independent Virginians who understood the impact of powerful government and were able to chose a new path. After the war, the Commonwealth was invaded by carpetbaggers and turncoats. As a result, today, the rules are very different. There are few Virginians who understand the original intent from the Revolutionary War, the danger of the all powerful federal government and who are independent enough to be able to see or chose real freedom, real personal, local, or state sovereignty.
As the federal government continues to show its hand, that may change. Domestic spying, internal graft, heavy handed regulation.....harsh truths that destroy the fairytale veneer of "land of the free".
So Friday, remember the two of Virginia's greatest leaders...General Lee and Gen Jackson.
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