

Monday, April 14, 2014

Russian Air force makes fools play with the US Navy.....and all the US can do is whine....

Article attached.............(Hat tip to Free North Carolina Blog Site)

The Russian Air Force made a number of fly-bys around the USS Donald Cook. They are doing the same thing I do when I tease my cats. See I know that no mater how much I tease them, I am bigger and I will always be the winner......they just get teased.

So the Russians did the same....they teased knowing that we could not respond. But we did whine...thats about all this government can do in the face of the Russians anyway.

Honestly, does any sane person think that the milk toast modern hollowed out military forces of the west can even start to win a old fashion loss taking slug match with an old fashion military doctrine like the Chinese or Russians. Whining and begging the other guy to stop is not a winning strategy (ask WWII Europeans defeated in early WWII) and beating a bunch of camel jocks who have no significant industry or air superiority in the desert is not a military feat....even that we don't do well (we are still in the sandbox)......the Russians and Chinese have actual industries and all the same toys we do, some of them paid for or developed by us.....

The succession of people elected to the yankee congresses and white house, with a special tip of the big red clown nose to the kenyan living there now has made a joke of the us. We have squandered our economic power and no owe our way of living to the very people who mock us. Daily the government takes a special opportunity to terrorize the people who live here.

And on the other hand, what do you think we would do if they sailed a warship in the Chesapeake Bay or Gulf of Mexico ......oh yeah.......whine about it and beg them to leave....

The ole' Confederate Solider in my heart laughs at this yankee governments failures, the Virginian in my heart bleeds for the waste and damage this yankee government creates around the world.

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